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Research Ethics and Integrity 

It is a firm policy of Kyoto University to take stringent measures against any conducts that violate codes of research ethics and integrity, including plagiarism and data manipulation. Among these measures are the rescission of a granted degree and the required retraction of a published paper. All members of the Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, including Usami Laboratory, are required to thoroughly comprehend the codes by taking the following e-learning course.


Harassment is unwelcome conduct that is based on sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, or gender identity), race, ethnicity, and disability. For Kyoto University’s ethical codes and procedures concerning harassment, see the below booklet. Usami Laboratory strictly prohibits any form of harassment, being committed to maintaining a study environment that emphasizes the dignity of all members of the lab community.
If you have any concern or know anyone, within or outside of the lab, who has a harassment-related trouble, then you are advised to consult your supervisor. In case you hesitate to do so, you can contact other teachers in the lab, the tutor teacher you have if you are in the Master’s program, teachers in charge of consultation in the GSGES, or the school’s Kyomu office.

Counseling Office Yoshida (Main Campus)

Phone : 075-753-2515
E-mail : (_at_→@)

Kyoto University Harassment Counseling Service

Please refer to the list of counseling staff on the university website at the URL below:

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