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Daehan An, "Quantitative A ssessment on Water Energy Food Nexus in South Korea"


Ghafouri,Bahareh, " Prospects for Carbon Taxation in Iran: The Study of Citizens' Intentions to Pay and Policy's Fairness"


Masako Ichihara, "Japanese Climate Change Litigation in the Cradle"

Kumie Hattori, "Climate Injustice: Rectifying Loss and Damage"
Nguyen Lan Phuong, "A Multi-criteria Decision Analysis Approach to Transboundary Water Resource Management in the Mekong River Basin"


Dinita Setyawati, "Sensitising Justice Concerning Citizens' Acceptance of New Energy Programs in Indonesia"

Lilia Shahar Griffin, "The Recruiting System of Japanese Spiritual Communities: Environmentalism as a Fishing Hook"

Yang Yang, "Reformed Environmental Impact Assessment in China: An Evaluation of Its Effectiveness"

竹前 由美子「気候変動に対する適応策と官民連携」
Mohammad Lutfur Rahman, "A Study of Urban Structure Vulnerability and Emergency Management of Earthquake in Bangladesh"

Laÿna Droz-dit-Busset, "The Milieu as Common Grounds for Global Environmental Ethics"
Akiko Takano, "Due Diligence Obligations and Transboundary Harm: From Environment to Cybersecurity"
池田 まりこ「開発途上国における気候変動適応とモニタリング・評価」
千葉 知世「日本における地下水ガバナンス:自治体政策を中心として」
Mina Lee, "A Quantitative Study on Innovation in Renewable Energy Technology in Korea"
Ria Adoracion A. Lambino, "The Adoption and Institutionalization of an Environmental Disclosure Program in the Philippines: A Policy Analysis"



Kanan Kitani, "The Impact of Christian Values on Climate Change Policy of the United States: Voting Behavior of the Faithful in Presidential Elections and Its

小谷 倫加恵「バングラデシュ国南北ダッカ市における清掃労働者のクオリティ・ オブ・ライフ(QOL)に関する研究」

Nishimura Maho, "A Telecoupling Assessment of Sustainability Gains and Losses in Globalized Food Systems: The Case of Singapore-Malaysia Poultry Trade"

西崎 大悟「農業集落の灌漑管理における移住者の役割 -久米南町山手 地区の事例-」

Wang Xinrui, "Heating Poverty Caused by Energy Transition in Northern China"


張 瑞星, "Sustainability of Returning Farmland to Forest or Pasture: The Case of Northern Shaanxi Province"

内藤 光里「気候変動に関する若年層の意識:日本の活動家の事例」

西田 咲良「自治体新電力の再生可能エネルギー事業の全国規模分析」

Fan Yujia, "The impact of public participation on Photovoltaic Poverty Alleviation Project in China"

Tshering Ongmu Sherpa, "Indigenous people’s perception of indigenous farming knowledge for climate change adaptation in Khumbu, Nepal"

Yue Xiaoyi, "The Policy Implementation Process of Rural Living Environment Improvement: The Case of Shilong Town in China"


Yelim Ahn, "An Analysis on the Policy Process by Advocacy Coalition Framework: The Case of the Emission Trading Scheme in South Korea"

河合 要子「日本の自治体におけるゼロカーボン宣言の政策波及に関する研究」
Chansatya Meas, "Policy Proposals for Photovoltaic Waste Disposals of a Floating Solar Farm in Sirindhorn Dam, Thailand"
Hikaru Shirai, "Citizens’ Pro-environmental Behavior in Community-based Waste Management: The Case of Waste Bank in Indonesia"

Larissa de Miranda Alem, "Consensus Building Process among Multi-Stakeholders in Intercity Cooperation: The Case of Collaboration between Kitakyushu and Davao"
Natascha Janina Josephin Hendel, "Public Private Partnership in the Flood Insurance Sector: Possibilities for a Policy Transfer from the United Kingdom to Germany"
Leativa Sonya Okesene, "The Planning Process of Climate Change Relocation: The Case of Vunidogoloa in Fiji"
Wang Jingye, "Electric Vehicle Promotion Policies in Pilot Cities of China: Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and Shenzhen"
Zhang Jing, "Public Private Partnerships for Urban Parks: The Case of Singapore"
Tian Lei, "Concrete Recycling in China: Experiences and Policies of Companies"
Hidemi Nakayama, "Individuals' Social Capital in a Community-based Reforestation Project: The Case of a Rural Community in the Philippines"
畠山 夏「地方自治体の国際環境協力の政策過程:横浜市のY-PORT事業の事例」
Li Lingyu, "Climate Policy Integration in Japanese Energy Policy"

高橋 叶「農山村地域における木質バイオマス地域熱供給:岡山県西粟倉村の事例」
津田 啓生「地上設置型太陽光発電の環境紛争の集結要因」

西村 瑳保理「都道府県の森林環境税と収事業」
Zhenzi Fu, "Environmental Public Interest Litigation in China:Financial Challenges"
Putri Dwinatalis Baeha, "Policy Process of Child-Friendly Integrated Public Space in Jakarta Formulation and Implementation"
朝日 遥子「消費者の環境配慮行動の規定因分析:目標フレーミング効果が与える影響の検討」
小林 舞衣「環境教育の国際協力と教育者養成」
Laÿna Droz-dit-Busset, "Towards an Ethics of Sustainability: The Embodied Self as a Basis for Environmental Decision-making"
Rika Fajrini, "Indigenous People's Perception on the Commodification of Genetic Resource and Traditional Knowledge"
Cita Ekanijati, "The Socio-economic Determinants of Public Participation in Lake Policy Process: The case of Rawa Pening Program in Indonesia"
宮澤 大喜「コミュニティパワー事業における市民の出資動機」
才野 英里子「グローバル資源配当の政治哲学的研究」
本間 友香里「再生可能エネルギー条例における政策波及」
Sunghyun Moon, "Policy Transfer in Contemporary Japan: The Case of Solar Energy Policy"
阪本 悠「自治体の組織改革:環境政策統合と財政難への対応の観点から」
Edward Y. Sumoto, "Sustaining Renewable Energy Growth and Energy Accessibility through Project Design Rating Scheme and Public Assessment"
藤田 優子「日本企業のCSVにおける環境ラベル」
松本 未央「エネルギー政策とミニ・パブリックスの可能性に関する研究」

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